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We are driven to make indie shorts that will inspire a generation to work on areas that have been neglated and be active in thier local, regional and international communities.  Such boundaries will be set aside as talents will show a motion picture creativity to its focal point.  


As we aspire to make content that is related to households that are current, we will insure that our efforts will go beyong minimal and be at the pressing through of technology at it's fullest!


“Unlike all the other art forms, film is able to seize and render the passage of time, to stop it, almost to possess it in infinity. I’d say that film is the sculpting of time.”

– Andrei Tarkovsky

Skyborg Films is an upcoming production compnent of Skyborg and will develop indie films in light of the demanding need for family genere.  

With the growing aspects of technology, Skyborg will infuse up an coming methods into thier filming line and develop a product that will have  you aiming for more of what was expected of regular television programining.  Real life emphasis combined with the relative art of Computer Programing and Sensor mechanisms will enhance the way we view life in the greater point!


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